Miyerkules, Mayo 28, 2014

5 years and 11 months . . .a short story

I started working with this company on the last day of June 2008.  Five (5) years and 11 months later, I find myself out in the market and seeking a new company.  I never thought I'll be in this situation.  Honestly, I thought I'll grow old with this company and do numerous things with and for them.  Here I am, trying my marketability at this day and age.

Five years ago, I was asking myself as to what am I doing here.  This is a company known to have technical people or those knowledgeable in the computer field and I am not one of them.  Yes, I know MS Word and that's it.  I don't know Excel.  What I know then was the ancestor of Excel which was Lotus123.  I am not joking when I say that.  I am the least techqie person there is.

My first  year was a joke! A joke because I was still trying to understand Excel, macro and my first PP was horrendeous, according to my onshore lead.  My saving grace, a good attendance record, perciverance and a bubbly attitude (most of the time).  I cried numerous times.  Cried because of frustration and partly to shame.  Even if I was doing a report for quite a time, I still made errors that can be avoided if I was better.  That was how my first year was.  Yes, I was regularized despite my shortcomings.

6 months after my 1st yr anniversary, I was placed in a floating status because the project that we were handling at that time has pulled out and the group needs to shrink in size. 10 working days in floating status, I received a call to attend to an interview for a post in our Finance and Accounting BPO tower.  I accepted and attended the request and next thing I knew, I was accepted into the project already.  My question at that time: "What am I going to do in a F&A project? I am a Mass Comm grad, for godness sake!".

In the span of 3 years and so months in that F&A project, I find myself recognized as the 1st Individual Contributor, started a training program for the Accounts Payable tower of my project, started a training program for our Business Support Team, get certified as a trainer for the company, have done various events both on project-wide and tower-wide scenario and has been a resource/inspirational speaker for a good number of new joiners session.

As a person, I created new bridges, burned some also and left some to simply disappear. I had losses and gains in the process.  Created friendship and met people who doesn't like my guts.  Some would say that I am hard to manage but in reality, and this is also based on a feedback from one of my manager, I am quite easy to handle.  Simply say what is needed and if I have questions, I will ask. If none, then end of discussion.  I guess it was also my downfall if I ask things.  I tend to ask even the most simple thought just to be sure of things.  For some, it is a question of their credibility.

What I find "funny" is the fact that due to my level everything is documented while those that are below me get to go without documentation thus making them safe from further action.  That is why I decided to spread my wings and search.  I don't know where I will be next but all I know for now is that I need to search and search fast for a new company.

I learned my lesson and here I am searching for a new company to call home once more.  It is not easy but definitely something that I will overcome and be the best their is again.  Thank you for the time and opportunities given.  Like what is said in some reading material about people leaving a company, it is not the organization but the people in it.

Martes, Mayo 27, 2014

My Cake Creations . . .my Passion(!), my Hobby(!) and my Life(?)

I started baking years ago and it was simply on an impulse.  It was a simple sugar cookie that I have adjusted the sweetness level since a certain medical situation do runs in the family.  It turned out well and that inspired me to do more baking.

My first cupcake endeavor was a blast!  A blast in terms of volume (hehehe!).  I then created 6 flavors by simply following 2 basic cupcake recipe. You may say that it was only 6 flavors, but please note that each recipe results to 12pcs of cupcakes.  6 flavors x 12 pieces. You get the picture of the resulting number.

I learned my way in the kitchen, through my mother.  I was introduced to cooking and baking by joining her in some cooking and baking demonstration and by assisting her in the kitchen. Because of that, I learned flavors and my taste in food grew.  Up to now, I enjoy watching cooking shows and competition.  Do I wish to join a cooking/baking competition now?  In time.
Like any endeavor, there are high and low points.  I like the low points for it helps me improve my craft.  I hunger for the hi-points for I am a person that bask in attention.  Narcisistic it may sound but every one has that degree of narcisism in us.

Below are some images of my creations ordered by people who has tasted and trusted my creation simply on faith.

Female body cake . . .with liquor

Deviled Cherry

Chocolate Cake with Maple Icing and Brownie Crumble

Assorted cupcake

Marshmallow Cake design for christening
Yin & Yang Themed Cake

Sunday . . . A Day Meant for the Family

Sunday is normally a day reserved for families.  A time for bonding and creating those moments meant to be remembered. Last May 25, 2014 was a day between friends and families.  It was a day of celebration.  A day of food, games and fun moments.

It was a warm Sunday and a perfect day for a triple celebration.  Along with my partner, we went to San Pablo Laguna to attend a triple birthday celebration.  It was a long trip coming from Alabang; a trip that was thankfully uneventful and light in traffic during the time we were on the road. I was hoping for rain but it was not my event so I simply followed the rules of nature that day.

Themed as:  The Greatest Circus in Town, it was originally a kiddy party for Cedric (also known as Ceddie- age 6 ) and Persues (aka Percy - age 1) but since May also has another celebrator, it became a kiddy party for guest but a family event for friends of the family concerned.  Oh, the other celebrator?  It's Zyra; a friend, my godchild and mother of Ceddie and Percy respectively.
with Family

with Friends

It was a busy day for them; with foods to prepare, guest to entertain and friends that make kulit to them every moment possible.  There were no quite moment for them. We were forwarned to prepare our sweet tooth and true to behold, there was a sweet tooth island in the party area.  Jelly beans, marshmallows in different shapes and length, waffers, chocolates in gold coins and sticks in form and a fondue to boot.  Typical of any kiddy party, spaghetti is not to be absent from the food list, that is if you are a Filipino (hehehehe!). With a good food selection, it was up to us to fill our plates to our liking.  While the kids are out enjoying the games prepared for them, we were enjoying the food.

Pabitin, piñata and goodie treats, it was an afternoon really set for kids.  For the kid's at heart, it was a different matter.  For us, our entertainment comes in the form of sprayed strings and snows, food and puppies. Yes, puppies; 4 adorable 1 month old local bred of puppies. And I get to have one in two months time (hehehe!).

This was one party that was raining with cakes. From Red Ribbon (2 cakes), Tous Les Jours (2 cakes) and from yours truly. It was a sweet day indeed. Since Ceddie is the older brother, it was a treat for him to blow all the lighted candles.
Here is an image of the cake that I have made for the event.  Its a chocolate cake with maple icing and topped with bitter brownie crumble.
My cake creation
Sunday events are indeed for the family. Events that are to be treasured and considered above, under and beyond the rainbow.

Lunes, Mayo 26, 2014

PR: Lifestyle Made Fun with Philip

Lifestyle is simply a life lived in style. There are many styles, choices and preferences. Philip Abadicio wants to make sure that we all have fun while living our different lifestyles in his latest TV show, “Fun with Philip,” on GMA News TV every Saturday and Sunday from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. starting on June 14, 2014.

He was meant to be a lifestyler. After finishing college in U.P. Diliman, Philip and his pals setup Wild Life, a clothing store catering to cool high school and college kids. They used the heartthrobs and sweethearts of the top schools and this marketing strategy gave them sales beyond their expectations. The lifestyle editor of the Manila Times took notice of Wild Life and invited Philip to be a contributor.

The initial half page that he had to fill up would eventually be extended into 2 pages with various lifestyle news—food, fashion, parties, beautiful people, travel. The job opened doors and several lifestyle experiences for Philip. “My network expanded and I realized I really loved lifestyle news and coverage,” he shares.

Philip also interacted closely with the PR’s and publicity industry. He learned how PR is done effectively and opened RPA & Communicate, a PR agency specializing in lifestyle and society clients. “In the 90s and 2000’s lifestyle was mostly for the affluent, done in English and always featuring high-end products and services,” he relates. Things have changed since then.

In the age of reality TV, lifestyle is no longer just for the rich and those who can afford it. “I’ve always maintained that lifestyle should not just be aspirational but more importantly, it should inspire people to live their lives in style, no matter what circumstance you are in,” he explains.

After 2 seasons each of “It’s More Fun with Philip” and “Philip Lifestyle Guy,” the objective of making sure lifestyle is understood and appreciated by a wider audience has been started. In the latest offering, “Fun with Philip,” the agenda to help and entertain is pushed even further. Chosen letter senders will experience the food, beauty treatments, fitness regimen, etc. that are featured on the show. More than this, contests both on-air and online via www.philipabadicio.com will give viewers more chances of enjoying the lifestyle features on the show.

“Fun with Philip” is a show made for lifestylers. As they say on the show, “mga Kapusong Lifestylers, we will give you the surprises for you to win the prizes!” A segment called Kwentuhang Kumot, where Philip interviews a celebrity under the sheets as he or she reveals untold secrets, will be there. Philip will also bring the occasional American tourist, Jeffrey Whitney, around the Philippines so he will be obliged to speak Filipino and try the various food, culture and lifestyles.

Philip will be joined by his FunKicks, the sidekicks who will help provide more fun. They are Lucky Mercado as the arrogant, macho man in “Lucky Strikes”, Madam Venus roaming the streets of Metro Manila and letting people try various lifestyle elements as she suddenly reads their fortunes in “Larangan ng Kapalaran”, Bryan Santos is a real fitness coach and will be the conscience of the show after too much eating as the “Exercise Expert”, and Hilda Ehrenberg will be  the ditzy female model “Bru-Hilda”.

“The show will be a lot of fun while you learn something new and you can apply it in your lives plus, you just might win prizes too,” Philip says. “Fun with Philip” will not have a formula, so expect the unexpected.


What’s the difference between your skin 20 years ago and your skin now? If you answer “it looks older”, it means that you have been losing your natural collagen over the years and production has slowed down. Your skin’s ability to neutralize the daily ongoing aggression such as the damaging effects of the sun, air pollution, stress, chemical products and eating the wrong food contribute to skin aging and quality as well.

These are the 2 factors to skin health and youthfulness: optimize your collagen and ward off the free radicals from your skin cells.

There’s nothing like science that can make this easy for you: collagen boosters and resveratrol.
How do you achieve this? One can take a separate supplement for collagen, and another one for skin antioxidant.

GNC has a better solution with a formula that can do both! One such product is ResVitale Collagen Enhance. It combines French Resveratrol to boost cellular energy to restore youthful DNA, and BioCell Collagen®, a powerful infusion of collagen and hyaluronic acid to help hydrate and plump the visible layer of skin.

For youthfully toned, radiant skin, go to the nearest GNC store and pick up Resvitale Collagen Enhance and see the real transformation.

PR: Two Decades of Living Well

In a country riddled with mañana habit and an enormous heart for good food, living an active and healthy lifestyle seems to be a baseless idea.  However, the Philippines is slowly growing out of its lax culture, embracing sports and an active lifestyle.

These days, the shell has broken further and people are now getting into marathons and multi-sport as in other countries all over the world.  Morning are now welcomed with regular jogs and cycling or a few hours in gyms.  Through all these, GNC has been arm in arm with Filipinos who vow to live well.

This year, GNC its 20th anniversary in the Philippines, continuing to be the leader in the supplements industry.  All 40 branches across the country are going to be commemorating 20 years of living well, including their newly opened branches in Gateway Mall, Cubao, Ayala Terraces, Fairview, and SM BF Parañaque.  By living well, it means a lifestyle that is in no way sedentary, complete with a healthy and balanced diet.  This means food plans that include high-quality supplements.

As the largest manufacturer and retailer of nutritional supplements, GNC assures that more years will follow their streak of adherence to the philosophy that every person can improve their overall quality of life.  They aim to make the readily available nutritional supplements only the very best in the field, alongside the continuous improvement of their services.  They guarantee to provide only the best.  Even the smallest vitamin supplement does not reach the shelves of their 6,000 stores worldwide, without undergoing their rigorous 150 quality checks. 

And believe it or not, they will be fighting with you as the nutraceutical competition heats up with the continuous mushrooming of generic and cheaper counterparts.  As their clients slim down and get fit, the company is also shaping up with them.  Despite GNC’s 20 years of experience in the country plus 79 years of international excellence as secret weapon, coupled with their increasing patrons, the brand still promises to continue their efficient product development and innovation, in tandem with specialists, making sure quality supplements are accessible to all.

Whether you have just began your adventure of toning down and keeping fit, or have already reached the middle of your journey, you can be assured that 20-year-old GNC will be living well and aging gracefully with you for many more years to come.

PR: Multivitamins for the Active Woman

The Active Woman. She wakes up, starts her day with either working out, or fixing meals for her family. Then she goes to work, either in the office or at home with her chores. And that continues until the end of the day in various ways: picking up the kids or going to meetings, going shopping and waiting it out in traffic. All the same, whether she’s a housewife, an entrepreneur or a corporate executive, the active woman needs all the energy support that she can get hour after hour. Which means getting all the right nutritional support she can get to sustain the energy she needs.

Optimum nutrition is the key to sustaining your energy throughout the day. This requires a balanced diet that for some people, may be difficult or inconvenient to obtain due to their busy schedule. This is what multivitamins are able to address. But what multivitamin formula is right for you?

Women have specific nutritional needs. They need multivitamins that can address the prevention of so many woman-specific health issues such as breast, bones, hormones, reproductive, skin, hair and so many others. What should you look for in a women’s multiple?

Start with the complete vitamins and minerals, emphasis on natural D3 and 50mg each B-vitamin complex, 18 mg of iron, calcium and magnesium mix. Put a blend of superfoods and vegetable extracts, a beauty blend that includes Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid, Choline for cognitive support and to complete the formula, astaxanthin, zeathanthin and lycopene.

For this ideal formula, we found GNC Women's Ultra Mega®, which not only includes all these nutrient in a tablet, but it turned out to be a premium vegetarian and timed-release multivitamin, with all 46 ingredients.

With GNC Women's Ultra Mega®, you can now get a supplement enriched with ingredients such as biotin, antioxidants, collagen and hyaluronic acid that support the matrix of hair, skin and nails and a premium blend that combines cranberry, which supports a healthy urinary tract with lutein and more zeaxanthin to support eye health and lycopene, an antioxidant from tomatoes to support cardiovascular health.

Check out GNC Women's Ultra Mega® in any of the GNC stores, and you will find a multivitamin specific for women that supports your nutritional supplement for life.

PR: Alice Dixson in the Best Shape of Her Life

Contrary to the oh-so catchy line, “I can feel it!" from aTV commercial that propelled Alice Dixson to fame and star status, the 44-year-old actress and General Nutrition Center's (GNC) brand ambassador admitsto not feeling her age at all.

This year GNCpartnerswith Alice on its20th anniversary in the Philippines and continues to be the leader in the supplements industry. All 40 branches acrossthe country are going to be commemorating 20 years of Living Well, including their newly opened branches in Gateway Mall, Cubao;Ayala Terraces Fairview, and SM BF Paranaque. By Living Well, it means a lifestyle that is in no way sedentary, complete with a healthy and balanced diet. This meansfood plans that include high-quality supplements.
Alice Dixson is back in the showbizworld with a vengeance, such a fascinating subject is her versatility — both in her career and physical pursuits. Aside from being a certified realtor and commercial model, her acting resume isdefinitely not that of a lightweight.

Given AIice's dedication and desire to lead a healthy, happy lifestyle, it came as no surprise when GNC invited her to become its brand ambassador. “I said, sure, why not? I'd be honored to, I'd love to," she exclaims. “In fact, when GNCfirst came to the Philippines— 20 years ago, I think — I was already one of their customers.”

She adds, “I've always wanted to encourage women — even men — that whatever your age, you know, you can be motivated to stay fit, be healthy, make your life more active and fun. I noticed, really and honestly, when I started doing not just yoga but a regular fitness regimen, you get those endorphins that make you happy.”

Currently, Alice is a big fan of Burn 60, a thermogenic supplement proven to increase your energy expenditure by 60% during a physical activity which is great for those who want to jumpstart fat loss. For her skin, she regularly takes Resvitale Collagen Enhance which combines French Resveratrol to boost cellular energy and restores youthful DNA, and BioCell Collagen, a powerful infusion of collagen and hyaluronic acid to help hydrate and plump the visible layer of skin for youthfullytoned and radiant skin. Due to her daily hectic schedule, she keeps her natural energy up with Women's Ultra Mega; a premium women’s vegetarian and timed-release multivitamin that provide her with essential woman-specific nutrients missing in our daily diet with 46 ingredients for advanced complete nutrition needs, bone health, antioxidant protection and hormonal support.

As the largest manufacturer and retailer of nutritional supplements, GNCassuresthat more years will follow their streak of adherence to the philosophy that every person can improve their overall quality of life. They aim to make the readily available nutritional supplementsonly the very best in the field, with America’s renowned medical advisers clearing what goes out to the GNC stores. They guarantee to provide only the best;each supplement does not reach the shelves of their 6,000 stores worldwide, without undergoing their rigorous 150 quality checks.
Alice’s fitness regimen is nothing to scoff at either. “I've always been very athletic." she shares. “I went to an all-girls Catholic school so we had our basketball team and baseball team. I was doing a lot of
swimming too. Basically, I grew up as a tomboy — my dad taught me all the “boy sports." Right now,
Alice isinto badminton, volleyball, yoga, running, and doesthe typical gym workout. Her adventurous streak is apparent with all the sports and activities she’s already tried — and have yet to try!
The list doesn’t end there. Alice has also done skydiving, bungeejumping, skiing, skateboarding, rock climbing, and so on. She has had “a little bit of training in Pekiti-Tirsia Kali. It's Philippine martial arts so combat with hands, knives ... Basically, it's self-defense. I've done it a couple of times and it was helpful for my TV shows where I had to do some stunts and fight scenes” As if those weren’t enough, Alice recently learned tennis and wakeboarding and want to learn how to paraglide, karate, kendo, judo, taekwondo —“If I haven't tried it yet, most likely I will!”

As someone who waged the battle of the bulge and came out triumphant, Alice has two pieces of simple advice to share with those who are looking to lose weight and getting back in shape. First, she says, “You really start with small steps. For me, when I wanted to get in shape and lose weight, what was more important wasgetting in shape—just building up my cardio resistance. I started walking until I learned how to do awalk-run, until I could run 1K, then 2K. Second isto make it a daily—or at least a regular habit. “I had a motivational recording. It’s something I picked up at the point when I was a little overweight, I wasn't feeling good about myself, and I just wanted to live a healthier, happier life," she shares.  It's a good way to feed your mind and inspire yourself.

Whether you havejust began your adventure of toning down and keeping fit, or have already reached the middle of yourjourney, you can be assured that 20-year-old GNC will be living well and aging gracefully with you for many more yearsto come. And now, Alice also has GNCto back her up in her fitness goals and to make sure that she stays at the best shape of her life.

PR: Flawless, demi-matte skin at your fingertips: NEW Max Factor Whipped Crème Foundation

The latest foundation innovation from Max Factor combines a hydrated formula with the texture of whipped cream to deliver a fresh, demi-matte finish that won’t dry out your skin

Save your skin from drying foundation with NEW Max Factor Whipped Crème Foundation – a whipped foundation innovation featuring a lightweight, hydrated formula that delivers a perfectly flawless, on-trend demi-matte finish.
Developed for women who have previously been left disappointed by drying foundations such as mousses, Max Factor delivers the ultimate answer with its new super-smooth, hydrated formula that instantly achieves the perfect balance between controlling shine and enhancing skin’s natural luminosity in one quick, easy application.  

The new ‘demi-matte’
Making its debut backstage at Valentino AW13, Max Factor Global Creative Design Director, Pat McGrath used the lightweight whipped formula to create a gorgeous, all-new flawless ‘demi-matte’ skin look for the upcoming season; “Demi-matte is a beautiful finish we created backstage at Valentino. It’s a dimensional matte finish but with a bit of brilliance - a really fresh, slightly radiant look.  Not shiny, just sophisticated and flawless. It’s going to be one of the key skin finishes for AW13.”

Max Factor Philippines National Make-up Artist, Bobby Carlos, shares his/her tips on how to achieve the perfect demi-matte finish at home, “Simply work the foundation into the skin, using your fingertips to blend the formula seamlessly - the foundation gets rid of all the imperfections and dulls shine to give a matte finish that is still radiant.

How does it work?
Other foundations, such as mousses, can appear drying as many formulas exclude water.  This could lead to flaking on dry areas and a ‘caked on’ finish.  Fighting those unwanted effects, Max Factor Whipped Crème Foundation contains a dual action, hydrated formula that features both water and glycerin to ensure the skin doesn’t appear dry, while simultaneously controlling excess shine.

Dr Sarah Vickery, Max Factor Principal Scientist, comments, “This new innovation achieves that difficult balance between a creamy and hydrating formula whilst still feeling lightweight and smooth. The result is dewy, natural looking skin that glows from within, rather than shines. Even after several hours, skin is still oil-free and soft to touch.”
New Max Factor Whipped Crème Foundation is available from March 2014 in the following shades: Crystal Beige, Light Ivory, Warm Almond, Natural, Beige, Sand, Golden, and Bronze with SRP 895.00. The foundation is oil-free, dermatologically tested and suitable for sensitive skin.  

Sabado, Mayo 24, 2014

Mega Fashion Hall - Home of International Style and Cuisine

When SM Megamall decided to make use of the space that they have to serve as a home for new shops, who would have thought that it would be a place to mark the map? From there the Mega Fashion Hall was born.  A home not just for fashion but also to the reinstated skating rink, the IMAX theater and especially to the international food selection that they were able to bring here in Manila.

Last May 19, Sm Megamall, along with the Mercato Centrale Group and Our Awesome Planet, presented the very first mega food tour to selected bloggers.  Faced with 15 food store to visit,  this is one night of gastronomic proportions.

5 floors.  15 food establishments. From sweets to signature dishes.  This is the moment when the word diet is forgotten and you ready your mind, tongue and stomach for what is in store for the night.

First on the list is Cinnabon.

Bathed in cinnamon, sugar and their signature glaze; baked into perfection, the cinnamon rolls will come to you freshly baked and smelling good.  Be sure that you get to eat it while it is hot to fully enjoy it.  Once cold, you can still enjoy its flavor but trust me the experience is different.  Right now, Cinnabon offers new flavors to enjoy.  For me, the original cinnamon roll is still the best.  A classic!

All flavors personally created, Bono - Artisanal Gelato is indeed a treat!  From chocolates to fruits, from malt to sake, from nuts to ginger spreads, Bono is a gelato experience worthy of your time and palate.  My recommendation:  try the Mango Sake and Speculoos!
Similar to its breadspread namesake, which I personally love, the Speculoos is truly a delightful flavor to try and consume.  If you want a kick to your regular fruit flavor gelato, then you should try Mango Sake.  A perfect combination of 2 different flavors plus it has a kick due to the sake.  You will love it!  I did then and still do up to now.

Hot Pork Buns
Tim Ho Wan

Want some Hot Pork Buns?  Tim Ho Wan is the place to go to!  If you are a regular in either Singapore and/or Hongkong, then you are familiar with this establishment.  Hot Pork Buns, Dumpling Teochew Style, Machang, Cold Barley Water and Jasmine Tea was the items served to us.  Dumpling steamed to perfection.  The machang was good. The buns . . .the pork buns . . .the hot pork buns . . .PERFECT! Once you get to taste this item, then you would know why they have the Michelin Star. 

Looks like a darker coconut water  in terms of color, but the Cold  Barley Water  is more. One of those things that you would say "looks can be deceiving".  It's cold, sweet and definitely refreshing. There is one thing that I have discovered when drinking their jasmine tea.  Add some barley water to your tea and you have a sweeter and more delicious jasmine tea.

KPop lovers and chicken lovers, this one is for you.  True to say that there is already one here in the Philippine market, but you haven't tried the original Korean fried chicken yet.  Philippines, please welcome the creator of the original fried chicken from Korea, Kyochon! Their resto's interior is designed similar to that in Korea.  Relax and casual dining with and in style.  With 4 types of chicken cooking at its best; once you have tried one, you will try all.  My preference, the spicy flavored chicken.

Chez Karine is a pastry and sweets haven.  Their selection is a fusion of French-Asian flavors.   Definitely a must to try is their Muscovado Royal Pudding.  It's a treat in a jar!  Think of it like your regular flan but the flavor is definitely more than that.  When eating this treat, you have to make sure that you get to have part of the muscovado syrup in every spoonful.  The pudding iis delicious by itself but with the muscovado syrup, it is brought to a whole new level.  Sweetness level just right.  Pudding is soft and velvety rich.  This is indeed a treat not just for the kids but also for the kid's at heart. 

Want to know how the English spend their time after during mid-day? They have tea!  With scones, french macaroons, chocolates, quinches, small sandwiches and tea, of course. With The Frenchbaker, Salon de The, they added in some chips and chicken lollipops with parmessan to the normal tray of treats. The chicken lollipops is rich in flavor due to the parmessan cheese. Teas offered are jasmine and blueberry.  Take the blueberry.  It's fragrant, sweet and smooth.  No bitter taste, meaning its good tea.  Now that is good tea time all the time.

After the 1st floor of the Mega Fashion Hall, we then proceded to the 2nd level.  Nearing the original Building B of Megamall, there stand this kiosk that is so Frenchly inspired.  It is like a candy shop with its soft minty green stripes over white.  Well, this is not a candy shop but it is definitely a shop for those with a good sugar craving.

Started with the love of baking, this small home business is now reaching far and wide.  With planned expansion and good business management, Custaroonery by Gigi Gaerlan is something that you would love.  It captured the hearts of some of us on the spot and is capturing the hearts of some more after the tour.  Macaroons plus custard, who would have thought it possible? The smoothness of a custard countered point by the texture of a macaroon.  The result, a product that is new, innovative and definitely has a place in the market.  Comes in the classic flavor, cheese and what they call poppers (balled custaroon rolled in chocolate powder), it is up to you to choose which one to say as your favorite or it could be all.

Presently, the 3rd floor houses a good set of restaurants.  From asian to spanish, from burgers to adobo, from classic dishes to new food creations.  The 3rd floor is a food treasure and haven for sure. Home for Osaka Ohsho, Boqueria, Abe, 8 Cuts  and Lugang Cafe.  5 restaurants that would give you a tour of flavors from Asia to Europe and America.

Osaka Ohsho is the home of the world's No. 1 gyoza.  To those who doesn't know, gyoza is the Japanese version of a Chinese dumplings.  The original flavored gyoza is good but we were all faced with the question of the "Where is the cheese?" when served with the cheese gyoza.  How you imagined a barley water is, beer like color but lighter in flavor, how it is presented in this restaurant.

The next restaurant houses two talented and charming Spanish chefs, Chef Javier and Chef Daniel.  Boqueria.  Personally, I find this restaurant cozy, charming and has sophistication in its interior.  The food . . .the food . . .the food . .. 3 words to describe it, rich, authentic and divine.  I have tried this restaurant for quite some times and have simply enjoyed every dish served. Me gusta comer en este restaurante.  Las comidas son muy rico en sabor , entonces muy delicioso!

Abe is the home of Kapampangang cooking at its best.  I am not that familiar with the cooking of the North but they definitely got my vote when they gave us a sampling of their Lamb Adobo.  Soft meat with the rich abodo flavor that is typical Filipino, this is a sure winner.  Plus you get to control the heat of your meal.  Served with a cooked whole local pimiento (siling labuyo), it is up to the customer if he wishes to totally mix it with every bite or disregard the spice.  Your pick, your enjoyment! Definitely a place worthy of a 2nd, 3rd and even more visits.

Next stop is a chance to learn more about the different part of meats that can be used in your burger.  8 Cuts is a haven to burger afictionados.  The displayed sandwiches looks good but I really don't know for sure cause it wasn't served for tasting.  What was served to us was some patty cut for tasting.  If I were to choose, the Ox Blend is the one for me.  Word of advice, if you are presenting your product and service to a possible consumer, may it be an individual or a group, don't serve them something that looks like dog food. I have no idea how your sandwich dressing taste like, just your meat and only your meat.  A sandwich is composed of fixings (vegetables and the likes), dressing or spread, meat and the bread.  You may have the best meat in town but what if one of your sandwich component doesn't taste right to a costumer? Research may have back you but I personally don't know your claim.  This was a moment for me to try your product and service but your establishment didn't gave me that chance unlike the rest.  Would creating a slider be that hard?     

From a disappointing experience, I was delighted with the presentation and service of the next restaurant in the list,  Lugang Cafe.   Having experienced their service a couple of months back, Lugang Cafe still bears the same efficiency and courtesy to all their costumers, paying or not.  Treated to samples of  Pork Xia Long Bao, Prawn Puffs, Olafs and Mango Panacotta, plus coffee brewing that is science in your face.  The whole experience is indeed a delight! The Olaf, seasoned inards, is simply divine! We even had a walkthrough on how to eat the Pork Xia Long Bao.  A dish that is simple but complex in flavors. The coffee service is a new entry in their line.  The style of brewing and beans are pure Middle Eastern.  A delight to behold when being prepared and a wonder to the senses when served.

The 4th level is the home of Viking's.  This is their newest location so far.  They are known for their international flavors and buffet service, Viking's is one of the best place to be with family and friends.  To be assured of a good sitting, make sure that you have made a reservation 2-weeks prior to your intented dinner date.  Sure you can simply come in as a walk-in customer but you have to wait and you will be surprised with the number of people willing to wait for their chance to dine inside.  We were treated to a sampler platter consist of what this place has to offer.  Sampler it may be but it still bears the flavor and variety that Viking's has to offer to the public.  It was my first time to step into Vikinng's, that night and I wasn't disappointed with what was served.  It was delicious, mouth-watering and a perfect reflection of what they are as a store and a leading buffet restaurant in the metropolis.

On the 5th level is where you can find the last 2 food stores that we were set to visit that night, Pinkberry and Lucca Bakery.  One that specializes in frozen yogurt treats and another for their mouth-watering breads and pastry creations.

Pinkberry offers a wide range of frozen yogurt creations.  You can choose any flavors available. From the original frozen yogurt  to the flavored ones.  Its healthy, refreshing and delightfully yummy!  With various toppings also available to enhance your yogurt experience, Pinkberry offers their recommended creations to satisfy whatever craving you may have for the day.  They have the perfect components of a healthy post meal closer or even a mid-day treat.  Frozen yogurt + fresh fruits + other possible toppings, Pinkberry is a winner in my book.

Closing the night of food adventure is Lucca Bakery.  Treated to their Bianca Mocha with a Banana Walnut  and signature coffee,  Lucca Bakery was the perfect ending for the night.  The coffee, to be exact, is the perfect closer.  The treat was a delightful teaser of what the bakery has to offer.  For someone who knows his way in the kitchen, this bakery is one of the recommendable sites there is in the market.  Right texture, sweetness and flavor combination, they mean and spell business.

That night was indeed a night to remember.  A night filled with flavors so rich and true to their store name's and commitment.  A gastronomic adventure that is near to be out of the normal proportions.  The Mega Fashion Hall is truly a place of international flavors.  Flavors not only in terms of clothes and fashion but also of food.  It offers a wide and good variety of food selections.  From sweet creations to savory dishes, this is one location to stay in the map in the food industry.  A location and experience that is truly above, under and beyond the rainbow.

Huwebes, Mayo 22, 2014

An Afternoon Side Adventure . . .Sili Burger of Tropical Hut

It was a Sunday and I need inspiration. I decided to go to Cubao and do a little book hunting.  Haven't done that for a time, so even when faced with challenges I decided to book hunt and be inspired with what I will find and acquire.

Feeling the heat and finding no book inspire me, I was already low in terms of inner positive energy.  Then I remembered, this is one area that has a Tropical Burger store.  I miss this burger line cause the one near my work area disappeared.  Is it any better from the happy bug and the farmer clown, 2 of the largest burger chain in the Philippines? The answer: not better, simply different.

If I remeber it right, this food store started in the late 80's till the early 90's.  Along with Carl's Jr, Cindy's, Wendy's and the likes, they hoped to get not just a chunk but a big piece of the burger crowd in the Philippines.  As of the moment, if memory serves me right,  the happy bug is still topping the list, followed by the farmer clown, then you have the girl (Wendy's) and somewhere in the list is Tropical Hut.  Right now, I would say that their business move is right in terms of simply being there in the ever demanding food industry.  Not expanding, more of downsizing their present store list, you would say that they are simply delaying the inevitable. But, spending on new store look is not a delaying tactic, I would say; it is actually a means to strengthen their hold in the market.

With new looks, additional burger creations, Tropical Hut means business.

Enough with history and business analysis,  I am here to share my thoughts on their new offering and that is their Sili Burger.  Again, I was feeling low and I was suddenly hit with the inspiration of eating in this burger joint because I miss one of their burgers.  What is that burger? The Rancho Burgerr! As I always say, any food with egg and cheese, especially if it is with bread goes a long way and won't go wrong.  While looking at their offerings, I noticed that new entry . . .Sili Burger.  Tagged under the category of classic, which I find strange for a new creation, I was curious to know how spicy this would be.  So ordered it.  Pegged at an affordable price of 150Php for a budget meal, I would say that it is rightly tagged at this point.  Not too expensive; simply reasonable.

10 minutes after it was ordered, a tray bearing my burger wrapped in foil, drinks and fries was brought to where I was seated.  Ok, you may say that 10 minutes is too long. True, since it is a fastfood joint but it is simply a standard waiting time; it won't take that long.

With extenders or not, which I don't care, the meat was flavored right.  The burger bears what was promised, heat.  Not too spicy but you will have that heat making its presence felt 5 seconds after making that initial bite.  You may enjoy it in what ever pace you would like to; gobble it, bite casually, it is up to you.

As a whole, it is a good mid-meal aka snack to munch on.  The only drawback, the soft spongy bread which is common to all their burgers.  2 minutes after it was served, expect the dressing to be absorbed by the bread.  It would become so soft and mushy, making you speed-up your eating pace unless you would like to eat it in pieces.  And when I say pieces, I mean a deconstructed messy sandwich burger.

Will I still eat this burger?  Yes.  :-)
Will I still eat at Tropical Hut? Yes.  Like what I have mentioned before, they are not the best but simply different.

Lunes, Mayo 19, 2014

Qaldi, The Newest Cafe to Hit Muntinlupa City (Part III: THE DRINKS)

If you have reached this part, it only means you wish to complete the whole article and what I have to say about Qaldi.  Like you, I also have a question regarding the place . . .Why Qaldi? What is Qaldi?

The History
Pronounced as "Kal-dee", it came from the word Kaldi which is a name of a person in ancient times.  This individual is the discover of coffee beans, according to legends.
A goat herdsman, he noticed his goats being more active and enthusiastic after eating some cherry-like berries of a nearby tree one afternoon.  Curious with this berry-like fruit, he tried some of it and to his surprise he felt energized.  Excited with his discovery, he brought some to the local monastery and tried to convinced the monks that it is a gift from God.  Being skeptical, the monks told him that it is not a gift from God but from the devil, and threw the berries in to the fire to destroy it which resulted to a fragrant aroma coming from it.
Drawn by the smell, some of the monks decided to harvest some of the roasted fruit and tried to preserved it by placing it in a vat with hot water.  That night, the monks sat up and drank some of the fragrant brew and discovered for themselves the novel sense of elation and energy.  With that, they committed themselves into drinking the brew every night to help them stay awake during night prayers.
- Source: Qaldi's on hand literature

Why Qaldi?
Inspired with the story, the owners ultimate goal is to let everyone feel energized and inspired everytime that they visit Qaldi Coffee Bar and Cyber Cafe.

                                            ***                           ***                    ***

Back to the food adventure.  This 3rd part is all about the diffferent drinks that Qaldi is offering to the public.  From coffee (of course there would coffee) to teas, from fresh juices to sodas, this cafe has a lot to offer and is capable of servicing a wide range of the demanding public.  From hot drinks to refreshingly cold, it is up to you to try nearly all if not all.

All their coffee-based drinks are arabica from a certain region in India.  It bears a distinctive flavor that the present coffee market industry in the Philippines doesn't have.  You may say that it is simply arabica and that we have it here in the countrry.  Yes, that is true but please do remember that the resulting flavor of a coffee berry  depends on the heat and soil of where it was planted.  Different place, different flavor, same gene.

Qaldi offers 2 sizes in which you can enjoy your preferred drink (some drinks simply come in the Kabeer size).  It can be in Sageer (small) or Kabeer (big).  Either way, you are sure to have the same flavor and enjoyment and possibly more enjoyment if it is in the Kabeer size.

I will be featuring 3 hot coffee-base drinks, 2 types of teas, 4 coffee-base cold drink, a smoothie, a shake, 3 juices and 4 sodas.

Hot Drinks
Caffe Latte (75Php / 85Php)
Smooth rich coffee flavor with a velvety light cream foam, this latte is a good start up drink for tthe day or even a perk me up.

Sheikh Almond Nut Mocha (105Php / 125Php)
Rich almondy taste. Distinct coffee flavor. Rich whip cream. What more can you ask for?  This not just a coffee, this is a coffee creation.  Relaxing as you sip it but energizing as you finish your cup.

Black and White Mocha (85Php / 95Php)
Actually, this is one fun drink.  When served, you get to see the layers of colors and flavor.  Mix it well (it is a must!) before drinking.  It white mocha when combined to their dark with the cream on top becomes a refreshing drink.  Think of ice cream when you get to hit the cream and drink at the same time.

Dilmah T-Series (105Php) & Exceptional (95Php)
Berry Sensation
This is the mark of tea blends that they offer.  You would get to encounter the exceptional series in the market but for the T-series, you would only get it from the top establishment in the market.  For a starting restaurant, this speaks a lot. All tea flavors bears the actual essence that the name carries.  The Berry Sensation (Exceptional) is composed of 4 types of berries combined to create that fruity flavor.  The Peach (T-series), comes with its signature tea leaf bag and is fragrant making its fruit sake proud.  Served in a glass pot with a candle burner underneath to help maintain the heat of the drink and small cups for pure flavor enjoyment.  This is tea drinking enjoyment.

Cold Drinks
Black Forest (150Php)
What can I say about this drink? Have a rightly concucted based choco drink, place whip cream and top it off with a round bright red cherry.  You now have a Black Forest Frappe.  Is it good?  As a start, it shows promise.  A little more tweeking and it would make proud of its name and its original bearer of the name, which is a cake.

Qaldi Frappe (145Php)
What makes this drink different?  The coffee and the whip cream!  The coffee has a clear and distinct flavor.  When blended with the cream, you are now enjoying 2 treats in 1 glass.  A frappe and a light coffee flavored milkshake.  If you think of milkshake as a drink that has a level a bit higher than melted ice cream, then this is smack right at the middle of that two.  Rich coffee flavor, foamy, creamy and truly drinkable.  No drop to waste.

Salted Caramel Iced Coffee (S-85Php/K-105Php)
Do I like it? Not a 100%. Do I wish to throw it? 10%.  It is not sweet compared to a regular caramel drink, which they also serve, which I guess where thhe salt comes in but I never tasted salt.  I always enjoy a drink or a meal that has contrast in flavor or even texture.  The name says contrast but the taste doesn't.  Its there but not yet there.  For a light caramel taste, then this is the drink for you.

Dark Mocha Frappe (145Php)
Now this is one drink that anyone can enjoy. Thick, smooth and rich are words that one can use to describe this drink.  The dark mocha is not that overbearing.  Whip cream showered with choco syrup; when blended together, you get a treat set for all season of the year.

They also have a good line of smoothies. And I will be true when I say I was brave enough to true one of the recommended smoothie drink.  Not because of it being a new flavor but because I never enjoyed this fruit as a drink.  I am talking about bananas.  Their Pink Banana Smoothie is indeed a delight.  It's strawberries and bananas combined to become velvety smooth.  Topped with cream and, take note, banana chips.  It was new for me and it won my heart.  You should try it.  A good drink and you won't be disappointed with it.

Shakes and Juices
Qaldi, for a starting cafe, offers a good variety of drinks.  All coming from fresh fruits or vegetable.  You can never get a juice concentrate purer than that of the actual fruit or vegetable.

Green Mango Shake, a simple but complicated drink creation.  Simple because its just green mango but complicated because it is sour and you need to balance the sourness to the sweetness placed.  I enjoyed it!

Cucumber, OJ and Apple (100% PURE)
For those who value their health then the following juices are for you. Cucumber Juice, Red Apple Juice and Orange Juice. All tagged at 65Php for sageer and 125Php for kabeer.  What they store is the actual fruit and not the juice; squeezed right there and then when you order.  For something refreshing and healthy at the same time, then the Cucumber Juice is for you.  For something light and rich in Vitamin C, then the Orange Juice is the one to talk.  The Apple Juice is both refreshing and light similar to the Qaldi OJ but made distinct because of its color due to oxidation.  A common apple pulp reaction when processed.

4 Season, Citrus Blend, Orange and Apple
Want the fruit drink with a little fizz?  Then this is for you.  They have 5 fruit sodas being offered and I was able to taste 4. The 5th drink was not available at that time.  Talk about a drink that is in demand in the market.  They have 4 Seasons, Ctirus Blend, Orange, Apple and Grapes (not shown in the pic).  Sodas are tagged at a low price of 45Php for sabeer and 65Php for kabeer.  I enjoyed all of their fruit sodas and a must on a hot day such as the one we are experiencing right now.

My Thoughts
Let me divide my thoughts about this on 2 parts, their strong point and challenges.  Like any visionaries, there wouldn't be any innovation without some blocks along the way.

The staff.  They need to be customer conscious.  A step ahead of the need of the customer and knows that it takes more than a smile to make everything all right and turn a visitor into a loyal customer.  A loyal customer who will introduce them to other customers as well.
The drinks needs to be adjusted to suit and capture a specific market.  If it is named in a certain way and described supporting the name then it should taste that way.  Deliver what is promised.
The location.  A little off from the crowd or the normal visible bustle of the city.  Can be a challenge for some but a plus point for others.

The food.  It is delicious!  And you cannot describe it any further.  The only thing that they need to do is be quality conscious to maintain the taste that they have initially produced.
Drink flavor.  They were able to play and enhance some of their drinks bringing to a point that can be considered signature.  Their coffee flavor is definitely theirs alone.
The place.  It is a beauty!  Not crowded with chairs and table strategetically positioned giving customers a relax feel of the place.  Color is indeed well thought of.  The location is good especially for those who wish to have a quiet spot away from the normal bustle of the city or even that of the national road.  Parking is not an issue.  The whole business compound area was created with that in mind as far as I can tell.  If delivery trucks (for Max) can come and go without a problem, what more for a car.
Their leader.  He may be new to the industry and is quite aware of that fact but he is taking action. Learning the ropes from those with experience and is quite open to feedbacks.

In a few more years, this establishment will definitely capture a market, not only a small distinct market but a profitable market.  Right now, it is quite enjoyable to see Qaldi grow and evolve into the coffee bar that they have envisioned and promised.  As of this stage, some of it is definitely below the rainbow.  Some are above but what tickles me as part of the consuming public is the one that is beyond the rainbow.  The full delivery and maintainance of that rainbow to the dynamic and ever changing consumers.

Hope you enjoyed reading this entry.  Some of you may ask if I have tried all that I have featured here and the answer is yes.  From the sandwiches, to the pasta, to the rice meal and up to the drinks.  Am I for real?  Definitely for real!  Can I prove it that I have tried all that I have mentioned?  Send a feedback and I will show you how I did it.  Not in one sitting but in 3 distinctive sitting.  Up to the next above, under and beyond the rainbow topic.