Linggo, Disyembre 14, 2014

Theater Review: "KAILAN at BUKAS", A Dalanghita Production

Press Release:

DALANGHITA PRODUCTIONS proudly announces its first production "KAILAN AT BAKIT" - a trilogy of one- act plays set from Dec. 12 - 14, 2014 at the PETA Studio, 3/F Peta Theater Center.

"KAILAN AT BAKIT" shall feature the following productions:

Written and Directed by Chris Martinez
Starring Gio Gahol, Brian Sy

Bonn and Ryan are two college freshmen about to take their final exams the next day. The scenes take place in Bonn’s room, where Bonn, having difficulties in class, sought the help of Ryan. In between review exercises, the two engage in small talk about their college lives. The play takes its turn when one of them begins to unleash his repressed frustrations on his real nature. The play is set in the early 90’s, and takes on social issues such as the significance of male machismo, religious repression, and moral dilemmas surrounding notions dictated by society in that era.

2.    BETANG
Written by Joanna L. Katanyag
Directed by Ed Lacson
Starring Sherry Lara, Juliene Mendoza, Roi Calilong

It’s 3am in Lola Betang’s time… Amidst the buzz of the drunken Tondo, Lola Betang stays sober and still. With her old transistor beside her, she waits patiently for her behind-scheduled “Sundo”. Lola Betang patiently waits, hoping that when demise finally faces her, She will, at long last, come face to face again with the love of her life… If only time would allow her.

Written by Pertee Briñas
Directed by Claudia Fernandez
Starring Oskie King, EJ Patacsil, TJ dela Paz, Ina Azarcon

The show displays the unique simplicity of everyday life through Nitoy and Gemma, both domestic helpers who are in the middle of a conflict involving their common love interest: the subdivision guard, Yuri. The conflict reaches its peak when both Nitoy and Gemma finally decide to step into a confrontation. But both are overwhelmed when an disturbing incident happens to Yuri in between their unfriendly exchange.

                                                                  - provided by Mr. Joselito "Toots" Tolentino

Theater Review

Watching a straight play is such a treat now-a-days from all the musicals that is being offered right now; such is the offering of Dalanghita Production this December. "Kailan at Bukas"  is a 3 1-act play that talks about life, love and living.  From Betang to Freshman, it was a collection of wit, humor, light drama and suspense.

This may sound chessy (if you are Filipino, you know what I will be saying) but it was like watching a stage version of Shake, Rattle and Roll (this is a regular film offering here in the Philippines every December - a light horror film).  Betang, tells us about the dreams and frustration of an aged lady, yearning to be with those who has gone to the other side ahead of her.  Mga Bulong ni Rara, has the touch of horror.  What started as light comedy banter with a touch of romance turned into horror due to unforeseen circumstances.  Freshman is suspense, a light thriller on stage.

All actors were noteworthy in their performance.  Even if their roles were not that big, the characterization was held true.  Sherry Lara (Betang) was good in portraying an aged lady yearning for something that she doesn't have any control off.  A person trapped with the dictates of her elders and wanted freedom in her senior year.  Juliene Mendoza is always a delight to see on stage.  After seeing him at Rak of Aegis a couple of days past, his humor is quite evident in the character that he portrays.  

EJ Patacsil and Ina Azarcon's comedic banter is nice but with a little strain which was balanced off with the light and playful banter when TJ Dela Paz (Yuri) came into the scene.  The Mga Bulong ni Rara left me yearning for a little more scenes.  I know it is supposedly a short 1-act play but it feels too short for me.  The horror touch was light handed that it is not that noticeable without the red lights.  Seeing the sweet looking character of Yuri transform into a possessed individual was a treat, a transformation done in less than 5 beats.  I just have one question, the mannerism of the normal Yuri - I just don't get it. It has a sexual undertone that is not clear to me.  Beyond that, this piece is "cute".  The message of this piece - there is no greater price compared to love so pure and true.

Whoever thought of casting Gio Gahol and Brian Sy in one play is creatively sick!  The contrast in visual and the clear facial expression of the two actors were great!  The dialogues, character unfolding and scenes were rich and shall make you hold your breath!  The suspense is well made! This is one delightfully sick piece! This is the "psycho side" of me appreciating how this piece unfolded.

The small offering of Dalanghita Production for December, shows promise of things to come.  They may be a new theater company but they do know how to make an impression.  If this initial offering is a sign of what they are to give in 2015, then it is something worth looking forward to.  There is no simple stage piece/play simply simple minds that sees only what is the obvious and not what is beyond.  Kailan at Bakit may be staged in a simple manner but the material is not that simple.  

A toast to a successful run!  

(All photos used depicting scenes from the play were personally taken by me during the invitational event)


Mga Bulong ni Rara

The possessed Yuri

(My apologies to some shots used. I have to shift to camera phone at this point for my cam died on me at this point)

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